Saturday, October 6, 2012

found foot

So, anyway, what happens when music synchronizes with footsteps, or rather, the sound of footsteps, clipping down the hall, open-ended like.

Those are moments that you are drawn to, as a listener, moments that you begin to believe in. Believing in was never something that I would have considered a talent. Believing in came in last on the list of debate topics.

The music, by the way, was plucking. Strings or something. It plucked while the feet clipped, and then alternated, as the sound that aligned. There was probably some Doppler effect, but these days, my ears are dull, and the fluorescents were buzzing. Although I was sure they didn't do that anymore but they do. I read that somewhere maybe the Times.

So those are moments that you are drawn to as a listener, when one thing synchronizes another thing and the world lines up with intention, and the visible and invisible sing in the same voice, not harmony exactly but at least cadence.

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