Friday, December 21, 2012

"Poems About Trees" by K. Silem Mohammad

I have written a couple of poems about trees
poems about trees and snakes and lakes and birds
poems about nature and life in New England
I write crappy poems and eat babies
if you like poems about trees you’re in for a treat
when I get nervous I get hyper and bump into people
I read to them what MapQuest gave me
round during then in the mom seeker panties
to help me narrow down the slut thing word jobs
rawr I’m too stupid to be able to make my point clear
if you for critique you eventually works at what a
chromosome disorder speech theory itch be responsible
congratulations, really nice birth control
is the most important challenge to vintage porn food stamps
and then I thought only God etc. (i.e. chemicals about progesterone)
the woods are full of police
90% Khalil Gibran, 10% carved wooden men
that can see souls at night
but I, warlike, considering gray cream for attire
enjoying impossible “nudes on ice,” more death
(((it gets even better after this, and that Nada Gordon piece
about unicorns and Hitler has an air of sublimity about it)))

Joel Sternfeld, Ken Robson's Christmas Tree.

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