Monday, April 1, 2013

spirit panic

Only those who know the meaning that they will give to the catastrophe retain calmness and precision in their movements. By the type and the proportions of panic to which a spirit allows itself to go, one can tell one’s rank.

He no longer saw the future before him, and the past, 
in spite of all his efforts to find it explicable, resembled something of the incomprehensible. Justifications left in pieces, and the feeling of pleasure seemed 
to exhaust itself more each day. Journeys and long 
walks, which had formerly given him a mysterious 
joy, had become strangely horrible for him. […] He 
was neither truly without homeland, nor honestly 
and naturally at home in any place, wherever in the 
world it might be. He would have liked very much 
to be an organ player, or a beggar, or a cripple, for to 
have some reason to invoke the pity and the charity 
of men, but still more ardently he wished to die. He 
was not dead, and yet…


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