Monday, March 25, 2013

from wherever (6)

October 21, 1992

The Contemporary Museum
Mr. Karl Ambonvoid IV, curator
1610 St. Paul Street
Baltimore, MD 21229

Mr. Ambonvoid,

I have received and signed the documents you forwarded to me. Please find them enclosed. Should you need any more information regarding my preference in packing and handling companies, please contact my office immediately.

Also, please find enclosed the photograph you requested for your essay. I believe that it will help to explain the form of the work that you referenced.

I will plan on shipping the work to the Contemporary Museum office three weeks before the exhibit opens in March. Please advise your handlers that specific installation instructions will accompany each piece. We can discuss this further later in the winter.

Please contact me if you have any further questions.


Mona Nyous

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