Tuesday, March 26, 2013

from wherever (7)

November 29, 1992

The Contemporary Museum
Mr. Karl Ambonvoid IV, curator
1610 St. Paul Street
Baltimore, MD 21229

Mr. Ambonvoid,

Thank you for the correction regarding the dimensions of the St. Stanislaus exhibition space. Please don’t apologize, I realize that these details are out of your control.

Aside from the contents of the boxes, which will be displayed according to my specifications, I will be sending a mural-sized print of the photograph included in this packet, entitled “Self-portrait as line in the clouds” (1992). Installation instructions will accompany the print; it is important that the handlers follow them explicitly.

As is my policy, I will be unable to meet with the board of the Contemporary Museum, or to attend the opening. Please express my warmest thanks to the board for allowing the museum to host my work, and for understanding that these refusals are central to my project.

Your office may contact me if there are any further questions.


Mona Nyous

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